Club/Activity | Session | Cost |
Breakfast ClubInclusive of breakfast from 7.30 to 8.30am | Per Session | £6.50 |
Tea-Time ClubKindergarten to Year 6 | 3.30pm to 6pm | 1st ½ hour Per hour | £4.50 (Per session/day) £6.50 (Per session/day) |
Club/Activity | Session | Autumn Term 2024 Fee | Spring Term 2025 Fee(inc VAT) |
Art ClubReception, Years 1 and 2 | Tuesday at 3.15pm Years 3 to 6 | Friday at 3.30pm |
60 Minutes |
£75 |
£75 |
Book ClubYears 1 and 2 | Monday at 3.15pm |
60 Minutes |
£40 |
£40 |
Boys Football (Autumn/Spring Only)Years 3 and 4 | Monday at 7:45am Years 5 and 6 | Tuesday at 3:30pm |
45 Minutes 60 Minutes |
Free |
Free |
Boys Cricket (Summer Only)Years 3 and 4 | Monday at 7:45am Years 5 and 6 | Tuesday at 3:30pm |
45 Minutes 60 Minutes |
Free |
Free |
Cello | 30 Minutes | £210 | £240 |
ComputingYears 1 and 2 | Monday at 3.15pm Years 3 to 6 | Thursday at 3.30pm |
60 Minutes |
£40 |
£46 |
ConstructionYears 1 and 2 | Monday at 3.15pm |
60 Minutes |
£40 |
£40 |
Cross Country (Autumn & Spring Only)Years 3 to 6 | Wednesday at 7:45am |
45 Minutes |
Free |
Free |
Drums | 30 Minutes | £210 | £240 |
Flute | 30 Minutes | £210 | £240 |
Football (Mixed)Years 1 and 2 | Friday at 3.15pm |
60 Minutes |
Free |
Free |
GardeningYears 1 and 2 | Friday at 3.15pm |
60 Minutes |
£75 |
£75 |
Girls Cricket (Summer Only)Years 3 and 4 | Thursday at 7:45am Years 5 and 6 | Thursday at 3:30pm |
45 Minutes 60 Minutes |
Free |
Free |
Girls Football (Autumn & Spring Only)Years 3 and 4 |Thursday at 7:45am Years 5 and 6 | Thursday at 3:30pm |
45 Minutes 60 Minutes |
Free |
Free |
Guitar/Bass Guitar | 30 Minutes | £210 | £240 |
GymnasticsYears 1 and 2 | Thursday at 3.15pm Years 3 to 6 | Friday at 3.30pm |
60 Minutes |
£130 |
£148 |
HomeworkYears 1 and 2 | Tuesday at 3.15pm Years 3 to 6 | Thursday at 3.30pm |
60 Minutes |
£30 |
£30 |
KarateRec, Years 1 and 2 | Monday at 3.15pm Years 3 to 6 | Tuesday at 3.30pm |
60 Minutes |
£140 |
£160 |
NetballYears 4, 5 and 6 | Tuesday at 3.30pm |
60 minutes |
Free |
Free |
Piano | 30 Minutes | £210 | £240 |
Recorder | 15 Minutes | £105 | £120 |
Smart Raspberry CookeryYears 1 and 2 | Tuesday at 3.15pm Years 3 to 6 | Wednesday at 3.30pm |
60 Minutes |
£140 |
£160 |
SpanishRec, Year 1 and 2 | Tuesday at 3:15pm Years 3 to 6 | Monday at 3.30pm |
60 Minutes |
£75 |
£86 |
Speech & DramaYears 1 and 2 | Monday & Thursday at 3.15pm Years 3 and 4 | Wednesday & Friday at 3.30pm Years 5 and 6 | Wednesday at 3.30pm |
60 minutes |
£140 |
£160 |
STEMYears 3 to 6 | Thursday at 3.30pm |
60 Minutes |
£75 |
£86 |
Tag Rugby (Autumn & Spring Only)Year 5 and 6 | Monday at 3:30pm |
60 Minutes |
Free |
Free |
Tennis – Mixed (Summer Only)Year 3 and 4 | Wednesday at 7:45am Year 5 and 6 | Monday at 3.30pm |
45 minutes 60 Minutes |
Free |
Free |
TheatreYear 1 and 2 | Wednesday at 3:15pm Years 3 to 6 | Thursday at 3.30pm |
60 Minutes |
£100 |
£114 |
Trumpet | 30 Minutes | £105 | £120 |
Ukulele | 30 Minutes | £210 | £240 |
Violin | 30 Minutes | £210 | £240 |
WellbeingYears 3 to 6 | Monday at 3.30pm |
60 Minutes |
£40 |
£40 |
Wild WoodsRec, Year 1 and 2 | Wednesday at 3.15pm |
60 minutes |
£130 |
£130 |
Specialised Support Teaching | 60 minutes | £400 | £456 |
* materials contribution
Our new fees quoted above from the Spring Term 2025 include VAT starting from January 2025.
The Oak-Tree Group of Schools run a variety of clubs during holiday periods. See here for more information.
A half term’s notice must be given in writing to the Headmistress if parents wish to discontinue any extra-curricular subjects. Otherwise a half term’s fee in lieu of notice will be charged.