News - Page 2

Reception Robins Extreme Weather

In Robins we have been exploring extreme weather, looking closely at floods, droughts, wildfires and tornadoes. The children drew on their understanding of water from last week’s focus story ‘Once upon a raindrop’, particularly when learning about floods and droughts. The children enjoyed looking at various pictures and showed great…

1C’s Measuring Lesson

Year 1C have been measuring this week and learning all about longer or shorter. The children had to measure the small world animals using various non-standard items such as cubes, paperclips and multi-link. The class chatted about which animals were taller or shorter and which ones were longer or shorter….

Year 3 – Length & Perimeter Work

In Year 3, we have been learning about length and perimeter, including how to convert between different units of measurement, such as millimetres, centimetres, and metres. They discussed which units are most appropriate for measuring different objects and placed various measurements in ascending order. The class also learned how to…

Woodpeckers Explore Extreme Weather

This week, Reception have been exploring extreme weather so we have had a ‘Weather channel’ roleplay area in Woodpeckers. The children were able to use the different props provided and share the upcoming forecast. They used all of the correct language and even shared that a flood was coming to…

4D’s Debating Lesson

Last week, the children in 4D took part in an exciting debating lesson, inspired by our class book The Ice Palace by Robert Swindells. The big question up for discussion was: Should Ivan go on his adventure to rescue his little brother? The children embraced their roles as debaters, presenting…

Reception Owls make Beach Cups

Owls thoroughly enjoyed their cooking session this week. They made their own ‘beach dirt cups’, using different foods to represent the  beach. They crushed biscuits for sand and dyed custard blue for the water. They all tried their hand at each element of the process and followed all of the…

Year 6 Create Geometric Shapes

Year 6 have created some amazing geometric patterns in Maths, ready to go on display. They created these with only a protractor, working out different factors of 360 and then measuring extremely carefully. Some of us kept it simple but some of us drew intricate designs by measuring every 10…

Year 5 Journalism

Year 5 have been putting their reporter hats on and getting creative with some very exciting newspaper articles! This term, the class have been diving into The Iron Man, and the children have been hard at work uncovering all the key features of a top-notch article. They’ve then used this…