News - Page 11

Year 6 Houses of Parliament Trip

Year 6 embarked on an exciting trip to The Houses of Parliament in Westminster alongside Braeside School. During their visit they went on an informative tour, delving into the building’s rich history. They also had the opportunity to observe live discussions among MPs in both the House of Commons and…

Robins learn about o’clock times

In Reception we have been learning about o’clock times. In Robins we have been thinking about what we do at different times of the day, making the times on our clocks and having fun playing ‘What’s the Time Mr Wolf?’

3CO Art Class

3CO have studied Antoni Gaudi whilst looking at mosaics. They created their own mosaic inspired by nature just like Gaudi. To celebrate their hard work, we held an artist gallery in class whereby the children were all able to view each others work. It was tricky at times but the…

3CO Assembly

3CO performed a brilliant assembly this morning, taking the rest of the school through the curriculum they have been learning. They started with history, telling the other children about the Bronze Age, Stone Age and Neolithic periods. How houses were built, how people lived and other interesting facts from each…

Trashion Show

Oaklands hosted a wonderful House event today. All four Houses, had the task of creating two outfits made from materials you could find in your trash. Well done to all our Houses for a unforgettable “Trashion Show” this afternoon. The designs you made where fantastic. Our Holly, Beech, Sycamore and…

ISA U11 Boys Football Tournament

On an incredibly muddy day in February, our boys took part in the U11 ISA Football Tournament. They can certainly come away with increased powers of resilience after dealing with the wet conditions. The team waded through huge puddles and mud on the pitches, before they had even started playing….

Oak-Tree Tag-Rugby Tournament

On Tuesday 6 February Oaklands took part in the annual U11 Oak-Tree Tag-Rugby Tournament at Eton Manor RFC. It was the first time we held a separate girls and boys competition, and it allowed for more pupils to take part, resulting in some fantastic rugby being played! There were tries…