Our pupils develop physical competence and confidence through a high quality physical education programme. Through a variety of activities the physical education provision contributes to the personal development, health and well being, enjoyment, success and achievement of all pupils across the whole curriculum and beyond.
Physical education provides pupils with the opportunity to be creative, competitive and to face up to different challenges as individuals, in groups and in teams. It promotes positive attitudes towards a healthy and active lifestyle. Our pupils are taught knowledge, skills and understanding through athletics, dance, games and gymnastic activities.
In Years 1 and 2 pupils start to work and play with others. They develop their skills in movement and coordination, and enjoy expressing themselves in a variety of situations. Our PE/Games specialists ensure that connections are made between acquiring and developing skills, selecting and applying skills, tactics and compositional ideas and fitness, health and safety.
All Key Stage 1 pupils receive an annual PE report that details their progress using the end of Key Stage Level descriptors from the National Curriculum. Participation, achievement and excellence are celebrated throughout the school year.