Category: Uncategorized - Page 2

UK Settling In

The children in Upper Kindergarten have been settling well into their new classrooms. They have been exploring and participating in a variety of fun activities and learning all about their group animals.  

Brentwood Taster Morning

Year 5 enjoyed a range of subjects in a virtual Brentwood Taster morning. They started looking at the nature of existence and knowledge within an RE & Philosophy session and gave wonderful responses. They found the Physics experiments on magnetic fields fascinating and made some great predictions too. The children…

Growing Sunflowers And Baking Biscuits

This week Upper Kindergarten have planted sunflower seeds. We have been watering them every day and the children are very excited to see whose sunflower grows the tallest.   Upper Kindergarten have also been very busy making ladybird biscuits. They used rich tea biscuits, red icing sugar and chocolate chips….

Live Lessons with BBC Ten Pieces

Year 5 were lucky enough to enjoy a private Zoom call from the BBC last week where they got to ‘meet’ members of the BBC Ten Pieces orchestra and have a go at making some music themselves. The pupils had a lot of fun in the session, hearing some music…

Fun in Reception

Reception have settled into their new class very well this term, and have been very busy taking part in a huge range of activities. Owls have been learning how to load the brush with paint correctly in Art before applying it to the paper. They then made some lovely colourful…

Year 3 Trip to Barleylands

On Tuesday 13 November, Year 3 went on an exciting trip to Barleylands Farm. They learnt all about the Stone Age, what Stone Age people ate, how they farmed, cooked and lived. The class made their very own Stone Age stew and bread, went on a bumpy tractor ride spotting Stone…

2C Quadrilaterals

This month 2C have been learning more about 2D shapes. They learnt the word ‘vertices’ and became experts at recognising how many vertices and edges each shape had. The class learnt a new shape word, quadrilateral, and practiced sorting shapes using different criteria. We wonder if all the mums and…

Teacher Shine Night Walk

On Saturday 22 September, eight members of the Oaklands Staff participated in the Shine Night Walk. They were some of the 16,000 amazing people who walked together to ‘beat cancer’. Congratulations to Miss Carter, Mrs Booth, Miss Dee, Mrs Refalo, Mrs Bhachu, Mrs Rathbone, Mrs Darcy and Mrs Belej who…