Year 6 have created some amazing geometric patterns in Maths, ready to go on display. They created these with only a protractor, working out different factors of 360 and then measuring extremely carefully. Some of us kept it simple but some of us drew intricate designs by measuring every 10…
Category: Uncategorized
Year 3 Science – Dark Boxes
Year 3 investigated which materials are easier to see in the dark. After making their predictions, they peeped into dark boxes to see which of the materials were easier to spot. The class agreed that the shiniest materials, including tin foil and sequins were the easiest to spot, while black…
Key Stage 1 Nativity
Oaklands Key Stage 1 children wowed their parents with their wonderful Nativity performance. The children spoke their lines confidently, sang beautifully, and remembered all their actions, bringing the story of the birth of Christ to life in a heartwarming way. Our teachers were immensely proud of the pupils for their…
2Z’s D&T Lessons
In their D&T lesson, 2Z have been designing their own windmill. They challenged themselves to stick to a theme and thought about the challenges that they may face. They are looking forward to seeing their designs come to life when they make their windmills. Well done, 2Z!
Ali Baba & the Bongo Bandits Production 2024
Last Friday we enjoyed an incredible show from our talented pupils, Ali Baba & the Bongo Bandits. Our pupils all learned their many lines perfectly, sang confidently, and remembered every dance step. With colourful characters and sparkling songs this show had everyone laughing and tapping along to the music. Well…
Mental Maths in Year 3
3CA has been looking at how to subtract numbers mentally using jumps on a number line, the children have been thinking about how to break down the jumps so it is easier for them to work out, then demonstrated this by coming up to the board to solve the questions!…
Oaklands Woodpeckers
After this week’s assembly where Miss Francis introduced the school’s Jigsaw PSE programme using mindfulness, the children enjoyed their first Jigsaw lesson outside on the grass. We focussed on breathing during Calm Me Time and taking turns speaking during circle time. During the lesson, we discussed how it feels to…
Maths Outdoors
2Z had fun in the shade identifying numbers and ordering themselves in different ways e.g. ascending or descending numbers. They also had to problem solve to work out which numbers were missing. Well done 2Z!
5Z Get Creative with Cushions
Year 5Z have been busy making cushions in Design Technology. The children have been developing their concentration and hand-eye coordination, which also helps with cognitive development and the development of motor skills. They have enjoyed working on different sewing techniques and exploring a variety of fabrics and patterns. Their handmade…
Oak-Tree Indoor Athletics Results
On Tuesday 24 January, our Year 5 and 6 pupils all took part in the Oak-Tree Indoor Athletics competition at Peter May Centre. It was great to see all the children trying to throw, jump and run for their schools to earn valuable points for the overall score. Oaklands can…