Category: Newsletters - Page 6

Newsletter July 2016

Newsletter July 2016

Read the last newsletter of this term filled with information about the Celebration of the Year, the amazing Peter Pan production, the Year 6 mini fete and lots more…

Newsletter June 2016

Newsletter June 2016

Read our second Newsletter this term packed with information on our Dance Display to parents, our celebrations for the Queen’s 90th birthday, recent trips, concerts and more…

Newsletter May 2016

Newsletter May 2016

Read our latest Newsletter packed with information on our school trips, music lessons and events, sporting news, our chicks, notices and reminders, and much more…

Newsletter March 2016

Newsletter March 2016

Read our latest Newsletter packed with information on our school trips, World Book Day, Lower Kindergarten’s kites, mysterious eggs in Transition, the Forest School Science Competition, the latest netball report, Open Morning, our Girls’ Choir, and much more…

Newsletter February 2016

Newsletter February 2016

Read our latest Newsletter packed with information on our singing success, Chinese New Year, Pancake Day, sporting news, our visit to the O2 Arena, and much more…

January 2016 Newsletter

January 2016 Newsletter

Read our first Newsletter of 2016 featuring our success at swimming, other sporting news, trips, curriculum topics, The Oak-Tree Group of Schools Art Exhibition, and much more…

December Newsletter 2015

December Newsletter 2015

Read our last Newsletter of 2015 containing our latest sporting news, reports on all our pre-Christmas activities, our charity work, Dexter the school dog, and much more…