Category: News - Page 6

3CO identify the Continents

3CO have loved getting the chance to extend their knowledge of continents and countries within our topic work. They can confidently identify the 7 continents on a map of the world or globe, and are becoming increasingly confident to identify countries which we have explored in lessons this year such…

3CO D&T Weaving Topic

3CO have enjoyed getting stuck in to their weaving topic in D&T! The children have quickly learnt that this is a task that requires concentration and patience which they are demonstrating brilliantly! It’s also been lovely to see the children helping each other during the weaving process. We are all…

1C Animal Antics Science Topic

1C have had a lovely week observing animals in our environment as part of their Animal Antics Science topic. They went onto the field and into the Wild Woods to see what mini-beasts and animals they could find. The class found lots of woodlice, worms, and even some beetles and…

Lower Kindergarten and their Caterpillars

The children in Lower Kindergarten have been learning all about the story of ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. They have participated in a variety of activities including making their own kitchen roll caterpillar and creating some ‘food’ for the caterpillar, using real fruit and soil. Over the past two weeks, the…

Year 3 Trip to Verulamium

On Monday 29th April, Year 3 went to visit the Roman site at Verulamium in St Albans. Lots of fun was had and the children returned back full of facts and knowledge about Roman and Celt life.

Mini-Tennis Event

Oaklands continue their impressive winning streak!! Pupils from Years 3-6 took part in the West Essex School Sports Partnership Mini-Tennis event at Theydon Bois Tennis Club on a warm and sunny Friday afternoon. After fueling themselves with a sports packed lunch, they were energised and ready for the challenge awaiting…

Year 1 learn about Space

In Year 1, our topic this term is Space. We have begun making 3D planets using paper mâché. The children painted balloons with PVA and layered ripped newspaper to make a hard outer shell. The children will shortly go on to paint them to make our very own Solar System!…

Lower Kindergarten go Minibeast Hunting

The children in Lower Kindergarten were very excited to visit the Wild Woods to search for minibeasts and insects. They explored under logs, leaves, in the trees and within the grass area. They found a variety of bugs including slugs, woodlice, spiders, worms, a dragonfly, bumblebees and a ladybird.

Spring Reading Ambassadors

A very big thank you and well done to all our Spring Reading Ambassadors who have read to our EYFS children during lunch time. You all have been amazing.  

Oak-Tree Girls Football Tournament

Oaklands performed remarkably well in three age groups, at the annual Oak-Tree Girls Football Tournament! Oaklands took 15 very eager and excited girls to Shooters Football Centre in Weald for the Oak-Tree Girls Football Tournament. There was outstanding performances in all 3 age groups, with the U9’s finishing 2nd in…