Category: News - Page 3

Year 1 Geography

Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed finding our Seaside location in an Atlas for our upcoming trip. They are really excited for their trip!

Lower Kindergarten Transport Topic

The children in Lower Kindergarten have been learning all about ‘Transport’. They had the opportunity to go down to the carpark to see a real van! Miss Collins showed the children the different parts of the van including the engine, oil, water, windscreen wipers and headlights. Each child sat in…

1V Clean Up!

In Year 1, we read the book Clean Up! As a class, we discussed the damage litter can cause to our environment as well as to the animals and their habitats. We decided to recycle and reuse plastic bottles and create our very own bug hotels. On the field, the…

Oak-Tree 3 Tees Cricket

Oaklands pupils don’t just like cricket, they love it! Pupils from Year 2 took part in a 3 Tees Cricket Festival on the Oaklands field, with our sister schools Normanhurst, Coopersale and Braeside in attendance. It was a great atmosphere with excellent batting, fielding and sportsmanship to round off all…

Year 2 visit Barleylands

Year 2 visited Barleylands on a school trip an a beautiful sunny day. Whilst there they got to meet and feed a variety of animals including cows and goats, they even got to meet a tortoise!   

Sports Awards in Assembly

During an assembly last week we awarded children sports award badges, we also celebrated some amazing achievements from our children outside of school. Annabelle, Winnie and Bella from 5Z all came 1st place in a Gymnastics competition. Margot also came in 1st place during the same event, in which they…

Year 2 Music Concert

Well done to our Year 2 pupils who participated in this week’s music concerts! Pupils and their families gathered in the hall for a wonderful musical showcase. The peripatetic concert gave our young musicians the chance to perform pieces they’ve been working so hard on during their individual lessons and…

Owls Outing to Hylands Park

Owls had the most amazing outdoor experience. The morning was spent in a ‘secret’ Forest School area led by Justine from Green Earth Learning. The children did mud painting, climbed a fallen tree, played with puppets, did weaving on a huge frame, used a bow saw to cut slices of…


Mrs Copeman and Rufus have been busy harvesting some of the potatoes that our Eco-Council planted back at Easter. The Eco-Council also got involved the next day to harvest some more!