Category: News - Page 13

Woodpeckers Maths Class

Woodpeckers had fun combining two groups in Maths.  They practiced counting what was in one group and adding it to another to find the total. Well done Woodpeckers!    

Reception Construction Club

Reception had an amazing time constructing in both 2D and 3D. They used modelling dough to join wooden cocktail sticks and let their imagination run wild! Some of the 3D models proved tricky to construct but the children showed great perseverance, resilience and independence! It was lovely to see the…

House Assemblies

Last Friday the children at Oaklands came together in their respective house assemblies. Welcome to all our Reception children who has joined our four Houses this week. Willow, Beech, Sycamore and Holly. Thank you to all our House Captains who presented their badges in a very special ceremony.    …

Danceathon fundraiser

The Early Years Department took part in their annual Festive Feet Danceathon fundraiser for local charity Haven House. Kindergarten were sponsored for dancing for 15 minutes whilst Reception danced for 20 minutes. It was great fun and there were lots of sparkles and tingling bells as everyone danced. A HUGE…

Santa visits Oaklands

All the children at Oaklands want to say a BIG THANK YOU to “SANTA” for the lovely Christmas Gifts they received. Thank you to the OPA for organising our beautiful Grotto! The children and Staff loved it.