Category: News - Page 12

Upper Kindergarten Celebrate Chinese New Year

Upper Kindergarten have been learning about Chinese New Year. The children learnt how people celebrate the festival by decorating their houses, wearing new clothes, giving red envelopes. For our physical development they used a thin paintbrush and black paint to trace over the word ‘Hello’ in Chinese. We spoke to…

Kindergaten Police Visit

Kindergarten had a visit from a Police Officer! Sergeant Smedley spoke to the children about road safety, stranger danger and what a police officer’s job is. All the children had the opportunity to sit inside a real police car and try on some mini police uniforms. Some children also got…

Children’s Mental Health Week Video

During this Children’s Mental Health Week, Oaklands School is here to remind you of the theme this year which is ‘My Voice Matters’. My Voice Matters is about empowering children and young people by providing them with the tools they need to express themselves. If you ever find yourself struggling…

Year 1 Make Pastries in French Class

Year 1 pupils participated in a French culinary adventure, crafting ‘La galette des rois aux pommes’ under the guidance of Madame Bashorun during their French class. The children cut the pastry and filled it with delicious apple, then waited in anticipation for the finished product!

3CO’s Art Class

3CO have been exploring how to create tints, tones and shades in Art. They really enjoyed exploring the various colours they created through mixing and improved their knowledge of the colour wheel.

Kindergarten Visited by Dr Tharma

Upper Kindergarten had a special visitor on Tuesday. Dr Tharma came into class to talk to the children about being a doctor and how we can take care of our bodies. Dr Tharma explained how important it is to eat healthy foods, exercise, get plenty of sleep and drink lots…

Upper Kindergarten’s Special Visitor

Upper Kindergarten had a special visitor last week. Mrs Parish and baby Maya came in class to talk to the children about how to care for babies. The children were all very excited, they listened well and loved playing with baby Maya.  

Year 4 Trip to the Globe Theatre

Year 4 recently had the exciting opportunity to visit the Globe Theatre on London’s South Bank, as part of their Topic – The Tudors. The children were only too keen to reduce their carbon footprint by travelling on the underground! Arriving at the Globe, they learnt all about the history…