Category: News - Page 10

Year 6 Carnival Masks

Year 6 have been working on a ‘carnival’ theme in their DT lessons. The children researched carnival masks using the I-pads and then designed their own mask using their research as inspiration. Year 6 then used acrylic or spray paint for the background and then embellished them with jewels, lace,…

5Z PSHE Dreams & Goals

As part of our PSHE topic, Dreams and Goals, Year 5 have been exploring different job opportunities available to people. They have shared their future aspirations with the class and considered the skills and experience they might need. The children explained why they valued and appreciated the contributions made by…

Year 4 Eco Art

Year 4 recently created artwork to highlight just how essential it is to think ecologically. The children are very much aware of how their behaviour impacts the different ecosystems that exist on earth. In fact, it is fair to say that the children at Oaklands see themselves as custodians (of…

3CA Outdoor Measuring

In Maths, 3CA have been looking at how to measure accurately using a ruler. In this lesson, they went outside to measure items of furniture, sports equipment and school equipment on the playground, decking and surrounding areas. Using a meter ruler, the children accurately measured different items.

2S PSHE Teamwork

During their PSHE lessons, 2S have been learning to work together as part of a team. They worked with a partner to design and decorate a bird with all the things they like to do. Well done class for working well together!  

2Z Practice their Times Tables

2Z have enjoyed practising their times tables in Maths this week. They have played a game called ‘balance’ where both number sentences must equal the same answer in order to save the birds from the shark! Well done, 2Z!

1V English Class

In English, the children took part in a role play activity where they re-enacted the Tinga Tinga Tale ‘Why Giraffe has a Long Neck’ in small groups. The children took on the role of different Afican animals in the Savannah.

Lower Kindergarten Search for the Gruffalo!

The children in Lower Kindergarten braved the rain and went in search of the Gruffalo! As they walked along the school field, down to the Wild Woods, Miss Collins read the Gruffalo story. They found the owl’s tree top house, the snake’s log pile house and the fox’s underground den….

Year 6 Houses of Parliament Trip

Year 6 embarked on an exciting trip to The Houses of Parliament in Westminster alongside Braeside School. During their visit they went on an informative tour, delving into the building’s rich history. They also had the opportunity to observe live discussions among MPs in both the House of Commons and…