Category: Events - Page 9

Oak-Tree Summer Ball 2019

Our Parents’ Associations from Braeside, Coopersale Hall, Normanhurst and Oaklands have joined together to organise what promises to be a fantastic evening for us all on Saturday 18 May 2019 in the large marquee at Chigwell Hall (Metropolitan Police Club). The theme this year will be James Bond’s Casino Royale, with a…

World Book Day Celebrations 2019

World Book day is always an exciting event in the Oaklands calendar! All the children dressed up as their favourite book character, and had a lot of fun trying to guess who their friends were. We had Hungry Caterpillars, Harry Potters and plenty of Roald Dahl characters to name a…

Safer Internet Day

Celebrated in the UK on Tuesday 5 February, Safer Internet Day this year focused on the theme of: ‘Together for a better internet’. Its aim is to inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively. In computing lessons in Key Stage 1 that week, the children were busy learning…

Watching the Pennies

In Year 1 this week the pupils have been learning about money. The children practised all they had learnt at the end of the week by playing shops, taking turns to play the role of the customer or the shopkeeper. They were able to challenge themselves by buying more than…

Sing Christmas

Oaklands were delighted to be invited again to take part in the ‘Sing Christmas’ concert at St Mary’s Loughton yesterday evening. Different local schools attended and performed some wonderful festive songs. Our choir of year 3 pupils sang ‘Feliz Navidad’ and ‘You Can’t Dodge the Census’ to a huge audience…

The Christmas Toy Shop – UK Christmas Show

Upper Kindergarten children did a great job this morning and yesterday performing the story of the ‘Christmas Toy Shop’, to a large crowd of family and friends. It was a fantastic show with the pupils acting and singing confidently on stage. There were some brilliant costumes too. The Christmas Angel managed…

Oak-Tree Spelling Bee 2018

A very competitive Oak-Tree Spelling Bee was held last Thursday at Oaklands School, with one Year 3, 4, 5, and 6 pupil from each school taking part. Well done to this year’s winner, Coopersale Hall! Full gallery of photos can be found HERE. 

Reception’s Winter Wonderland

Reception took us on a trip through a winter wonderland this morning with the first Oaklands’ Christmas show of the year. A packed audience of excited families were delighted to see reindeers, elves and Christmas fairies. The children performed a variety of festive songs from classics like ‘Jingle Bells and…

Children in Need 2018

In support of Children in Need, all pupils came into class covered in spots! We had dotty tops, Pudsy Bear ears, and some great face paint! The charity raises money for disadvantaged children and young people in the UK, so all your donations are going to a great cause, thank you!