Category: Events - Page 8

Let the Games Begin!

Year 5 and 6 put on a fantastic show on Wednesday of ‘Let the Games Begin’. The play had a fantastic story line that was presented in such an astounding way by the pupils! The story follows three technology obsessed youngsters visiting their grandma. She becomes increasingly frustrated with their…

Oaklands Summer Fete 2019

After a rain-filled week the weather decided to be kind to us on Saturday ready for the OPA Summer Fete. Once again the day was a huge success, with the field packed with pupils, staff, friends and family all eager to try their luck on the bottle tombola or have…

Year 2 Music Concert

Last night a large crowd of Year 2 pupils and their families gathered in the hall for a musical showcase. The peripatetic concert gave the young musicians the chance to perform pieces that they have been working extremely hard on during their individual music lessons, and music practice at home….

A New Home for our Chicks

As part of their topic of Changes, Reception children took delivery of 10 eggs in an incubator. Twelve days later they said  a sad goodbye to 10 fluffy chicks – 4 boys and 6 girls. We are delighted to share with you that the girls have been adopted by a…

KS1 & KS2 Multi-Cultural Curriculum Day

Cultural Curriculum Day Y1 Spain 1Z learnt all about Spain on curriculum day. They talked about the Spanish royal family, traditional foods and famous landmarks in Spain. The children learnt all about the Spanish tradition of carnival and created their own masks inspired by the costumes they saw when looking…

Year 1 Travel Back in Time

Both Year 1 classes took us on an adventure back in time during their performances on the last week of term. With the help of creative props and costumes, the children showed us how much fun could be had without modern technologies such as iPads. There was singing, dancing and…

Annual Music Concert

On Monday and Wednesday evenings, 20 and 22 May, we held our annual Music Concert at Oaklands. All pupils from Years 3-6 who learn a musical instrument at school are invited to play in the Concert. So, at 6pm, dressed in their concert finery, the pupils performed solos and duets…

Easter bunny stood with children

A Visit from the Easter Bunny!

A huge thank you to the OPA for organising such a lovely event today. All of our pupils got a chance to go and visit the Easter Bunny either on the playground or in the hall! Classes took it in turns to meet the bunny, sing him a song, find…

Year 2 Multi-Sports Festival

Yesterday afternoon the whole of Year 2 took part in a Multi-Sports Competition to complete their topic for PE this half term. Over the past 5 weeks they have been learning, practicing and performing various activities from football, tennis, hockey and basketball to name a few. It was evident that…

Roald Dahl’s Fantastic Stories

Roald Dahl used to make stories up for his daughters to entertain them and his daughters invited their friends round to listen to them. The play performed by our year 2 pupils this week showcased snippets of several famous Roald Dahl stories including James and the Giant Peach, Matilda and…