Category: Events - Page 7

World Food Day – British

This week for World Food Day the theme was ‘British’ and there were some delicious foods on offer. The children had the pick of lamb and vegetable pie, chicken pasty, buttered mashed potatoes and more. The decorated hall helped to add to this theme and made for a very enjoyable…

Fun in Lower Kindergarten!

The Lower Kindergarten children have been making the most of the sunshine when it appears and have been taking remote controlled cars for a spin. The first challenge was to switch them on. They were then encouraged to move them forwards and backwards, making sure to avoid high speed collisions!…

Oak-Tree Camp 2019

Year 3 pupils from Oaklands and the three other Oak-Tree Schools all had a fantastic time last week taking part in the annual Oak-Tree Camp. See the photos and read more about the adventure HERE. 

Year 6 Mini Fete

Year 6 held their mini-fete yesterday afternoon. They had worked hard on the lead up to the event making the necessary preparations for their stalls. There was a cake stall, chocolate fountain, face painting and glitter tattoos, ‘Chopstick Challenge’, target shooting and much more. The rest of the pupils really…

Early Years Sports Day 2019

The sun was shining over our school field yesterday for the Early Years Sports Day. The field was full of excited parents and friends ready to cheer the children on. Pupils took part in a range of events including obstacles, beanbag and hurdle races. Well done everyone – you were…

KS2 Sports Day 2019

We had a lovely day yesterday. The sun was shining over our school field, full of excited parents, teachers, and most importantly our Sports Day participants! There was a real feeling of team spirit in the air and it was great to see the pupils showing such passion for sport….

Year 6 Leavers Assembly

This morning the parents of our Year 6 children were invited into the school to enjoy a very touching Leavers Assembly. The hour was filled with photo memories, songs and some moving speeches of thanks. By the end of the assembly there was not a dry eye in the house!…

KS1 Sports Day 2019

The sun was shining yesterday for a day of sports and fun. KS1 pupils started the events, with a crowd of excited parents, friends and teachers cheering them on. There was a real feeling of team spirit in the air and it was great to see the pupils showing such…

Speech Day and Prizegiving 2019

On Wednesday 3 July we held our annual Speech Day and Prize Giving, celebrating the many achievements and successes of the pupils throughout the year. The celebration took place in a marquee on the field, on yet another scorching hot day, which was packed with a large audience of family…

Early Years Celebration of the Year

We had a lovely afternoon in the sunshine yesterday celebrating the Early Years’ achievements throughout the year. Reception enjoyed sharing all their favourite memories with the audience, and each year group entertained us with a range of songs and dance. Lower Kindergarten sang about being a little penguin, Upper Kindergarten…