Category: Events - Page 20

OPA Summer Fete

OPA Summer Fete

What a fantastic day we had at the OPA Summer Fete on Saturday.  The school field was packed with children, friends and families. There were plenty of stalls and activities to take part in including bubble football, arts and crafts, tombola, rides, a jazz band and delicious refreshments. Thank you…

The Queen’s Birthday Party!

The Queen’s Birthday Party!

We had a fantastic day on Friday celebrating the Queen’s 90th birthday. The pupils dressed up in red, white and blue and enjoyed an all-day party, taking part in lots of fun activities. There was even a juggler and a magician!

Transition’s Tropical Wings trip

Transition’s Tropical Wings trip

In late May the Transition classes went to Tropical Wings Farm, Chelmsford. The excited children got to look around the farm at exotic birds and many farm animals. They even got up close to free roaming Wallabies. During their visit they had a talk from the Mini Beast experts about different types…

Year 2 Music Concert

Year 2 Music Concert

Last night our Year 2 musicians put on a fantastic showcase. They have been working very hard during their individual music lessons, learning a selection of instruments. To a supportive audience of parents and peers they performed their favourite pieces and all did brilliantly. It was clear how much they have…

1T’s Seaside Play

1T’s Seaside Play

Year 1 have been performing for their friends and families this week in a wonderful play that takes the audience back in time to enjoy the seaside back in Victorian times! Here are some images taken at the 1T dress rehearsal. Well done everyone!

Sports Day 2016!

Sports Day 2016!

What a great day we all had yesterday! The sun was shining for this year’s Sports Day and the children did brilliantly! With a selection of races from sprints and hurdles, to an obstacle race, the huge crowd of families and friends cheered our pupils all the way to the…

Musical Showcase!

Musical Showcase!

Last night our Year 3-6 musicians put on a fantastic showcase. They have been working very hard during their individual music lessons, learning a selection of instruments. To a supportive audience of parents and peers they performed their favourite pieces and all did brilliantly. It was clear how much they…

Year 3’s Hadleigh Trip

Year 3’s Hadleigh Trip

Year 3 had a fantastic day at Hadleigh Country Park on 28 April learning about Celts and Romans. Read the full report in our next Newsletter.

Year 6 Liddington Photos

Year 6 Liddington Photos

Year 6 had a wonderful week’s residential trip to Liddington PGL Activity Centre. A full report will appear in our next Newsletter, but in the meantime here are some fabulous photos of our pupils enjoying the activities!