Category: Events - Page 19

We are now on Facebook!

We are now on Facebook!

Keep up to date about what is going on at Oaklands School by liking our new Facebook page. Full of the latest news, photos, events and more.

Year 6 Mini Fete

Year 6 Mini Fete

This week Year 6 pupils organised their very own mini fete in the school playground. They worked hard to come up with ideas for different stalls and activities which they then prepared for and managed on the day. All stalls were very successful, with huge crowds of younger pupils and…

Gun Dog Display Day

Gun Dog Display Day

Last week, Transition children had a chance to see some very clever dogs at work. The children were excited to meet the dogs and learn how they are trained, and also got the chance to watch how they could find and fetch things that had been hidden in the grass. Some of…

Early Years Celebration

Early Years Celebration

We had a lovely afternoon in the sunshine yesterday celebrating the Early Years’ achievements throughout the year. The pupils couldn’t wait to get on stage to show us all what they have been doing in class, from an impressive rendition of Old MacDonald Had A Farm by Lower Kindergarten, to…

Prize Giving 2016

Prize Giving 2016

We had a fantastic afternoon yesterday celebrating the successes of the children in years 1 to 6.  The pupils entertained a huge audience with several performances including songs from the choirs and some wonderful music recitals. The guest speaker was Mr Tony Miller MBE, Director of the Whitechapel Mission and…

Papalarny’s Magic come to Oaklands

Papalarny’s Magic come to Oaklands

Yesterday Years 5 and 6 spent an highly enjoyable afternoon with Papalarny, the magician. They witnessed close up magic tricks and learnt a few of their own! Today Years 3 and 4 will be spending time with him so come back next week for more photos. A big thank you OPA…

Peter Pan!

Peter Pan!

Wow- what a show this week the Junior pupils at Oaklands put on of Peter Pan! There were two sell-out nights at Lopping Hall in Loughton and the huge crowds of family and friends saw nearly 80 children perform in what was a fantastic and modern performance of the classic story. With…

Lower Kindergarten and Garden Room Dance Display

Lower Kindergarten and Garden Room Dance Display

The sun shone today as pupils from Lower Kindergarten and Garden Room put on a wonderful dance display for their families. Lower Kindergarten enchanted us with their ‘Ugly Bug Ball’, Moles and Squirrels were delightful in ‘The Aristocats’, Foxes and Hedgehogs thoroughly enjoyed the honey in ‘Bear Necessities’, and Badgers…

Years 1 and 2 Join the Circus!

Years 1 and 2 Join the Circus!

Years 1 and 2 have had a fantastic day today being taught some fun circus skills. They have enjoyed learning how to juggle, use a flower stick and even a diabolo! Even the sun was shining for the occasion!

Dance Display

Dance Display

What a fantastic performance yesterday afternoon. Children from Transition to Year 6 performed several dance routines to a large audience of family and friends. The pupils have been working very hard during rehearsals and all of that hard work certainly paid off. Dances included Snow White and Thunderbirds! Well done everyone!