Category: Events - Page 18

Children in Need

Children in Need

Oaklands pupils have gone all out this Friday for Children in Need, donning their Pudsey ears and outfits, as well as wearing non-uniform, to raise money for this brilliant charity. More photos to follow!

Oak-Tree Firework Display

Oak-Tree Firework Display

A huge thank you to the Parents’ Association for arranging and running such a successful firework night, and thank you also to everyone who came to support! It was a fantastic evening. Read all about it and see the huge variety of photographs here. 

ISA Regional Art Competition

ISA Regional Art Competition

On Thursday the London North ISA art competition took place.  The standard was very high and Oaklands achieved second place in the EYFS group 2D art category with their collage based on Van Gogh’s ‘Starry Night’. Congratulations to all our artists! EYFS: Nathan, Jessica, Daniella Year 1: Chloe Year 2:…

Space, Shape and Desperate Measures

Space, Shape and Desperate Measures

Key Stage one and two experienced an exciting Star Wars themed show based on the current Maths curriculum called Space, Shape and Desperate Measures. It was a great day! “It was my favourite show ever.”  Bebeana “It was amazing.” Tristan “I got to have fun whilst learning.” Charlotte 

Oak-Tree Group Fireworks Display

Oak-Tree Group Fireworks Display

Sunday 13 November 2016 From 4.30pm to 6.30pm in the grounds of Oaklands School in Loughton This year the Annual Group Fireworks Display will be held just after the October half term. As with last year, tickets will be available to families from the four Oak-Tree Schools. Due to the…

Oak-Tree Spelling Bee

Oak-Tree Spelling Bee

A huge well done to our Oaklands team for their participation in the Oak-Tree Spelling Bee yesterday afternoon! Normanhurst School were the overall winners  by our pupils performed brilliantly! Read all about it and see the variety of photographs here.

It’s Harvest Time!

It’s Harvest Time!

This morning the pupils celebrated Harvest Festival! We have been so impressed at the generous donations this year- there was a huge selection of goods. Mr Tony Miller MBE, Director of the Whitechapel Mission attended the assembly and the children listened intently to him speak about the great work that the…

Outstanding Orchestra!

Outstanding Orchestra!

The school orchestra performed ‘Cha Cha Cha’ in assembly this morning. It was a fantastic performance made up of xylophones, recorders and a guitar. It was obvious how much the children have been practising in school and at home, the rest of the school were very impressed- well done!

School Prefects Announced!

School Prefects Announced!

There was a very special assembly last week in which Mrs Belej announced the new Prefects, Head Boy and Girl, Heads of Houses, Librarians and Games Captains. All pupils were extremely proud of themselves, and are looking forward to the new responsibility that it brings. Especially Anya and Harry, who…