Category: Events - Page 17

Barking Mad Assembly

Barking Mad Assembly

This morning KS1 and 2 had two very special visitors- Brenda Weaver from The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association, and her lovely guide dog puppy in training. Brenda spoke to the pupils about how she volunteers for the charity, training puppies in their first year before they attend ‘Guide…

Year 4 Trip to Hampton Court Palace

Year 4 Trip to Hampton Court Palace

Year 4 had a fantastic time at Hampton Court Palace. They all got into role as ‘History Detectives’ and challenged themselves to find out more about the wealth, wives and personality of Henry VIII. They hunted for artifacts, studied the architecture and explored the palace by visiting the kitchens, The…

Christmas Carol Service

Christmas Carol Service

Yesterday pupils from Years 1 to 6 took part in a wonderful Carol Service at St Mary’s Loughton. There was a huge audience of families and friends and everyone was feeling very festive singing along to songs such as ‘See Him Lying on a Bed of Straw’ and ‘Away in…

Year 6 Christmas Post Boxes

Year 6 Christmas Post Boxes

Year 6 have made some fantastic post boxes to put in their prefect classes for all the Christmas cards. Everyone did an amazing job with a huge array of designs, from houses and presents to snow scenes and post boxes with legs! The Year 6 door has also been turned into a…

Garden Room Nativity

Garden Room Nativity

Our Garden Room pupils were very excited to put on a wonderful performance on Friday for their friends and families. They sang an array of festive songs and told the Nativity story in a unique and modern way. Well done to all of our confident performers!

‘Sing Christmas’

‘Sing Christmas’

The Junior Boys Choir sang for ‘Sing Christmas’ at St Mary’s Loughton yesterday afternoon. It was a wonderful community event that brings together children from different schools in the local area. There were some wonderful performances and the Boys Choir sang a selection of festive songs. They performed very confidently…

Oak-Tree Schools Football Tournament

Oak-Tree Schools Football Tournament

On Thursday 24 November Oaklands School took part in the Oak-Tree Schools Group Football Tournament, held at the Peter May Sports Centre in Walthamstow. The boys played brilliantly in both their matches against Coopersale Hall and Normanhurst. A big well done to all the pupils for their determination shown in…

A Very Important Assembly by 3C

A Very Important Assembly by 3C

3C gave us a very important message in their assembly to parents last week. They told the story of some penguins who were losing their home because of the melting ice. They met many creatures on their travels, from whales to polar bears. The moral of the story was that…

Anti-bullying Assembly

Anti-bullying Assembly

The children had an anti-bullying assembly recently in support of anti-bullying week. They participated in different role-play scenarios on stage, identifying bullies and what we could do instead of being a bully.