Category: Events - Page 13

Human Circuits in Mad Science

Human Circuits in Mad Science

Children in Mad Science Club have been been learning about static electricity and how electrons pass through conductors. During one session the children built different circuits using their own bodies, which was not only a great learning experience but also a lot of fun.  

SPOTACULAR Children in Need!

SPOTACULAR Children in Need!

The children are having a very fun day today wearing their spotty clothing to celebrate and raise money for Children in Need. Each pupil has brought in a donation for the fantastic charity and will participate in an assembly that explains to them why we, as a school are supporting…

LK Music Assembly

LK Music Assembly

Lower Kindergarten put on a wonderful assembly for their families this morning. With a little help from their music teacher,  Mrs Rathbone the class performed an array of songs that they have been learning during their music lessons, such as ‘Twinkle, Twinkle’ and ‘Baa Baa Black Sheep’. This  included showing…

Oak-Tree Fireworks Display

Oak-Tree Fireworks Display

The Oak-Tree Fireworks at the weekend were a huge success, with over 1000 people in attendance. To find out more and see the full gallery of photos, please click here. 

Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day

Armistice Day marks the end of the First World War and is a day to remember and honour those who have paid the price for our freedom. Pupils used the 2 minutes silence to remember and pay tribute to those that have lost their lives fighting for their country. The…

I’m Henry VIII, I am

I’m Henry VIII, I am

Class 4Z invited their families in to school today to watch their assembly about Henry VIII and his 6 wives. Tudors is their topic this term and judging on their fantastic assembly, they are now very well informed, and definitely enjoying the subject! The costumes were fantastic and Henry VIII,…

Oak-Tree Camping Adventure

Oak-Tree Camping Adventure

Year 3 children from all 4 Oak-Tree schools have had a fantastic couple of days. They have been very excited about their two-day camping adventure and yesterday the wait was finally over!  Children took part in a number of activities including plenty of team building exercises as well as learning…

Punch and Judy

Punch and Judy

Year 1 have been learning about seaside holidays in the past. Recently they were treated to ‘The Punch and Judy’ show coming to Oaklands! It was a lovely sunny day so everyone sat outside on the field to watch it. As well as laughing their way through the famous puppet…

Year 6 Mini Fete

Year 6 Mini Fete

Despite the weather Year 6 still managed to put on lovely mini fete in the school hall. Stalls consisted of cake and popcorn sales, a ‘tattoo’ parlor, face painting, a second hand book sale, guess the name of the teddy, mini games and lots more. The younger children all loved…

Class of 2017

Class of 2017

We had a lovely (and very emotional) morning celebrating the school lives of our outgoing year 6 class. Parents and staff enjoyed an array of songs, their favourite memories, a presentation of certificates, and even the traditional throwing of the graduation hats! It was evident how close the year 6…