Category: Events - Page 11

Annual Dance Display 2018

The annual whole school Dance Display was held yesterday in the school grounds, with a huge crowd of friends and family coming to watch. All pupils got involved with the display, from Year 6 all the way down to Lower Kindergarten. They performed a range of acts complete with impressive…

OPA Summer Fete 2018

The OPA Summer Fete is just around the corner, and already a lot of preparation is in place for the big day! The fete is being held on Saturday 16 June from 12 noon until 3.30pm, and is just £1 for entry. A huge variety of stalls, activities and entertainment…

Year 2 Music Concert

Last night a large crowd of Year 2 pupils and their families gathered in the hall for a musical showcase. The peripatetic concert gave the young musicians the chance to perform pieces that they have been working extremely hard on during their individual music lessons, and music practice at home….

KS2 Peri Concert

On Tuesday and Wednesday large crowds of KS2 pupils and their families gathered in the hall for a musical showcase. The peripatetic concerts gave the young musicians the chance to perform pieces that they have been working extremely hard on during their individual music lessons, and music practice at home….

Year 6 PGL Residential Adventure

Year 6 are having a great time on their PGL residential in Liddington. Already they have taken part in so many activities, and there are a lot more to come! Keep checking this page for new photos of their adventure throughout the week.

Year 4 and 5 Trip to Young Mariners Base

The Year 4 and 5 children had a fantastic time at the Young Mariners Base in Cheshunt. They took part in a range of activities, from problem solving and team building to canoeing and sailing. There were so many adventures and everyone had a great time!

A Special Easter Visitor!

A huge thank you to the OPA for organising such a lovely event today. All of our pupils enjoyed a visit from the Easter Bunny! Classes took it in turns to meet the bunny, sing him a song, find a hidden egg and collect a special sweet gift. The children…

Year 4 Passover Assembly

Year 4 put on a fantastic assembly this morning to teach their families and fellow pupils about the story of Moses and the Passover. They used the knowledge that they had learned from their recent R.E lessons to act and sing their way through the interesting story. The pupils performed…

Quantum Science!

Yesterday pupils from KS1 and KS2 were lucky enough to have enjoyed a visit from Quantum Science. The children took part in an exciting and interactive workshop throughout the day that supported their recent learning in Science about different states of matter. The actors taught them about the different properties…