Oaklands is a privately-owned independent preparatory school for children from 2½ to 11. These procedures apply to candidates applying to join the School at any point.
The admissions procedures differ depending on the age of your child. However, the process usually begins with a visit to the school, either on one of our Open Events or on a pre-arranged personal tour.
For detailed information about Oaklands School, please send us an enquiry. Prospective parents are always welcome to contact the Admissions Registrar to check the availability of places and discuss their application in more detail.
In order to secure a place on our waiting list parents will need to complete the Online Registration Form which requires a non-refundable deposit payment of £60 (Inclusive of VAT).
After filling out a short pre-taster questionnaire, your child will be invited in for an assessment/interview.
A place on the waiting list does not guarantee admission. The School must feel reasonably sure that it will be able to educate and develop the prospective pupil to the best of his/her potential and in line with the general standards achieved by the pupil’s peers.
At all points of entry, the School sets its own tests as appropriate through extensive informal observations and formal academic assessments. The School is looking for pupils who show potential as well as those who are academically able. The assessments that take place depend on the proposed year of entry.
Should we conclude that Oaklands School is appropriate for your child and entry assessments have been completed successfully, a place will be awarded.
The School is oversubscribed in many areas. If we need to decide between two or more candidates who meet our admission requirements, after all appropriate allowances and special consideration has been given, we may give preference to:
- A child who already has a sibling in the school or whose parent is a former pupil here
- A child whose parent is a current member of our staff
- A child with a particular skill, talent or aptitude
- A child who will stay at the School until age 11.
We expect our pupils to stay with us until they complete their time with us at age 11 and would not normally accept children where it is known that they intend to leave at an earlier age.
For detailed information about admissions process, please download our Admissions Policy below.