A few of our Year 6 children were invited to attend the Science fair held at Bancroft’s school on Wednesday 14 March. The secondary school children were given a task to set up their own Science stall which had to be informative, interactive and based on different aspects of Science. All schools attending the fair had the important task of voting for the best science stall of the day.
The children had the opportunity to visit different labs for activities based around Chemistry, which included observing fire and fizz experiments. In the Biology lab, the children took part in a carousel of activities where they explored the organs in a human body, used their senses to guess what is inside a box and matched a pair of eyes to a particular animal or insect. They were timed in these activities and had lots of fun. At the end of the day, the children had the opportunity to construct a rocket, which was launched on the school’s playground.
This was a fun-filled day with loads of opportunities linked to learning, experimenting and making new discoveries. The children ‘HAD A BLAST!’