ISA London North Gymnastics Team

What an amazing experience for our 12 gymnasts who represented the school for the first time at the ISA London North Gymnastics Competition at St Mary’s School in Bucks. After a very early start on Thursday 28 November, and a frozen mini-bus, we were on our way, fuelled with lots of very excited girls, asking ‘Are we there yet’?

When we arrived, they must have performed 1000+ cartwheels, 300 forward rolls and endless amounts of jumps and bridges….and that was just their warm-up!!

The competition started with the U9’s, consisting of Poppy, Margot, Vallavi, Carmella, Gabby and Emily L taking part in the vault. After getting used to the springier springboard, they found their groove, and vaulted well under pressure! They then took part in the set floor routine, and did extremely well to remember the moves, in a dead silent, pressurised hall. They finished 5th overall, and will use this experience, to help them going forward for plenty more competitions in the future.

Arri, Bella, Annabelle and Winnie then performed the musical group routine, and considering they only just learnt the choreography on Tuesday, I for one was so proud of how they performed, and to be honest, they smashed it! It was their best performance, with synchronisation, difficult moves and a flow to a routine, which I believe warranted a first place. Mr Paine, it’s not all about winning!!, Yes, I know, but it was so good, and a silver medal is something to cherish. The 4 girls, along with Siana and Daniella, then went about perfecting their vault, which they all did so well to nail their harder vaults. The floor routines, were faultless, and they can hold their heads up high after finishing a respectful 5th out of 7 schools!